Pefkohori is a village located in Kassandra on the first peninsula of Halkidiki. It is 105 kilometers away from Thessaloniki and is located in the southeastern part of the Kassandra peninsula. Pefkohori is only 19 km from Kallithea after you will passing the villages of Kiopigi, Polychrono and Chaniotis. The journey from Thessaloniki to Pefkohori takes approximately one hour, but in summer, especially on weekends, the traffic can be very heavy.

Pefkohori has 1,600 inhabitants, but in summer it attracts tens of thousands of tourists. It is the second most cosmopolitan place in Kassandra during the summer months after Kalithea. In Pefkohori you will find organized hotels and luxury villas.

During the summer months, you can find many coffee bars or you can enjoy traditional Greek and Mediterranean food in many restaurants and fish taverns.

During the summer, the streets around Pefkohori are totally clean allowing guests to enjoy a walk along the coastal path.

Also in Pefkohori you will find ATMs, post offices, internet cafes, supermarkets, private ambulance and dental offices.

Pefkohori has the beautiful beach one of the best beaches of Halkidiki is Grarokavos which is only 3km away and the beach called Chrouso and Xenie in Paliouri which is 7km away from Pefkohori.